
亚洲博彩平台排名 inducted eight individuals and one team into the Sports Hall of Fame at an honorary brunch on Saturday, 10月21日, 在曲区健康健身中心的名人堂里.


Shane DeSherlia于2003年获得QU的商业管理学位. 他作为四分卫在老鹰队效力了四个赛季. 他的带球跑动和传球同样具有威胁. His freshman year, DeSherlia passed for 9 touchdowns and ran for 1 touchdown. 大二那年,DeSherlia触地得分7次,跑了4次. 他在大三赛季有8次传球和3次冲刺传球. DeSherlia的成绩在他大四的时候就已经很好了, 13次触地得分12次冲进达阵区. His total yardages also stood out – passing over 800 yards his first season, 第二季超过1300,第三年超过1000. DeSherlia在大四那年投了将近2000码. 在他最抢手的两个赛季, 他在大二的时候跑了440码,大四的时候跑了786码. DeSherlia的职业生涯总数令人信服. 他总共有37次传球得分和20次冲刺得分. 他的总跑动码数为1494码,传球码数为5133码. 他在大四的时候场均能跑250码,这让他在排名中名列第一. 那个赛季在NCAA第二赛区24名.

朱莉·勒梅尔(Julie LeMaire)于2004年获得体育学位. 她是老鹰队四年的首发投手和外野手, 每个赛季每场比赛首发. 在她职业生涯的尾声, 勒梅尔保持着单赛季安打记录, 本垒打的单赛季和职业生涯记录, 在单赛季打点和得分上排名第三. 作为大四学生, 勒梅尔获得了她职业生涯中最好的一个赛季, 在几乎所有进攻类别中,他都以a .平均击球率374, 得了46分, 65个安打,创造了单赛季记录, 13个双打, 9个本垒打, 48分打点, .626段塞率和 .412的上垒率. LeMaire also finished her senior season as the team-leading pitcher in wins, 开始, 外表, 和完. She led the conference in slugging percentage, runs scored and total bases, while ranging 2nd to 4th 打击率、安打、打点和本垒打. 勒梅尔被评为球队最有价值球员, 和All-GLVC选择, 路易斯维尔重击手/NFCA全地区选拔, and the recipient of the Brother Clete Van Ackeren Award for Academic and Athletic Achievement. She is entering her ninth season as head softball coach at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Jamie Oitker graduated from QU in December of 2000 with a degree in physical education. She was a member of the women’s basketball team from 1994-1999 and a student assistant from 2000-01. 奥伊特尔在瞿的那段时间里,在整个球场都是一个威胁. 当她结束大学生涯的时候, she held QU records in steals in a season with 82 and in career steals of 278. 奥特克才3岁rd 生涯抢断5次th 当季抢手货. 毕业时,她才3岁rd all-time in scoring with 1,324 career points, and she held a season best free throw percentage of .815.  她的比赛数据也很突出. 奥特克目前以41分保持着单场得分最多的记录, 一场比赛中得分最多的是20分, 27岁时单场投篮次数最多. 她仍然以9次抢断并列单场抢断最多的第一名. Oitker earned several awards including the team’s defensive and MVP player during the 1998-99 season and was a 1999 Mart Heinen Award winner. 有两季,Oitker被任命为All-GLVC. 

Kevin Reller graduated from 亚洲博彩平台排名 in 1990 with a marketing degree and had two standout seasons on the basketball team. 1988-89赛季,莱勒投了45球.命中率9%,33人.三分命中率为7%,三分命中率为82%.8%的罚球线命中率. 那个赛季他一共得到373分——13分.场均3分. 他的篮板和助攻也很强劲,本赛季有169个篮板, 场均6个篮板, 59次助攻,也就是2次.场均1次助攻. 在1989-90赛季,莱勒提高了50分的命中率.8%的命中率,39人.三分命中率为5%,三分命中率为76%.3%的罚球线命中率. Reller scored 140 more points than the previous season for a total of 513 points – 18.场均3分. His rebounds and assists also increased for a total of 212 rebounds for the season, 7.场均6个篮板和66次助攻. 

唐·文特1970年毕业于昆西学院,获得社会学学位. He was well known for his toughness on the basketball court and his tenacious rebounding. 作为一名新生,温特在得分和篮板方面领先于合资队. 大三时,他参加了所有的校队比赛. 他以10个篮板领跑全队.场均5个篮板,15个得分手排名第二.每场2分. 

Wente stepped it up even more when he was a senior and led the team in both rebounding and scoring, 平均12.场均1个篮板和19个篮板.每场2分. 当他毕业时, Wente held the school record for most field goals in a game and in a season and most points scored as a senior. 他还获得了包括全体会议荣誉提名奖在内的奖项  大三时获得兹威克篮板球奖. 在大四的时候,他获得了QC锦标赛的MVP, 1st 全美小型大学篮球队,NAIA第20区nd 团队,和1st 米德兰小组会议. 唐的职业统计数据值得注意. Wente totaled 1,059 career points and is among the top 15 players in career rebounds. 

Demetrius Young于1992年毕业于QU. 当时他正在攻读历史学位, 杨为QU足球队做出了一些历史性的贡献. He is ranked in the top three of the four most important rushing totals in school history – single-game rushing yards, 单场冲刺次数和职业生涯冲刺次数. 当杨在二年级和三年级的时候, 他和另一位名人堂跑卫分享了传球, 杰瑞·埃勒曼, 还从学校历史上最好的四分卫手中接过球, 布拉德Lemen. 杨加入了两名QU跑卫, LeVar Ammons和Rob Munson, who share similar career rushing rankings as Young and are members of the QU Sports Hall of Fame. 亚洲博彩平台排名 was not a member of a conference during Young’s career so he was unable to earn league awards. 比尔Terlisner, 谁作为玩家参与了这个项目, 助理教练, 自1988年起担任总教练和助推器, said Young is one of the most deserving 足球 players to go into the Hall of Fame.


The 1984-85 women’s tennis team was undefeated in their regular season with an 11-0 record. 在1984年秋天, Coach Ann Bergman’s team capped off the most successful season ever in QC/QU history by sweeping through the NAIA District 20 Championships with first place honors. The key to the team’s win was that all three doubles teams won their championships. 而每个队员都赢得了超过80%的单打比赛, 这支不败的队伍是由唯一的高年级和单打第一的选手带领的, 劳拉·加布里埃尔. Laura received the Scholar Athlete Award from the Hawkettes Booster Club and the Scholar Athlete of the Year by the International Tennis Coaches Association (ITCA). Laura finished her two-year career at QC with a 65-9 record (combined singles and doubles). 第二年,珍妮·凯斯打破了这一记录. 在20区锦标赛上,莎朗·克鲁巴获得了第一名. 排名第五的是朱莉·菲舍尔(Julie Fischer). 两人都赢得了单打冠军.  No. 劳拉·加布里埃尔和多里斯·托马斯的双打组合赢得了该组的冠军. 无. 由莎朗·克鲁巴和詹妮·凯斯组成的第二组和第一组. 布伦达·克鲁巴和朱莉·菲舍尔的3支队伍也赢得了各自组别的冠军. Of the Hawkettes 11 victories in the 1984-85 season, seven of them were by a score of 9-0. 


比尔·斯塔基1970年毕业于昆西学院,获得历史学位. 作为昆西本地人, Starkey stayed in the area after earning his degree and was the head coach of the Quincy Notre Dame High School volleyball and softball teams for 18 seasons. 斯塔奇在QND执教过五个州冠军, 1978年和1980年两次夺得排球队冠军, 1981年垒球第三名, 1982年和1984年. His volleyball teams also had two second-place finishes in the state tournament and one third-place. 在垒球比赛中,他的球队也有两次获得第三名. 斯塔基教练的排球生涯战绩是500胜174负, 还有垒球生涯433胜98负的记录. 这是一个惊人的输赢比例 .他在QND担任两项运动的总教练. Starkey was named to the Illinois Girls Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 2000 and to the Illinois Softball Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 2002.


Kevin Steinkamp has been volunteering for QU 十大正规博彩网站排名 and the Mart Heinen Club for 53 years. He spent the majority of his volunteer time at QU sporting events – selling and taking tickets and ushering at men’s and women’s basketball, 男子和女子足球, 足球, 短跑足球和排球比赛. Steinkamp has supervised parking at 男子和女子足球 games for 45 years. 他还帮助举办了Mart Heinen高尔夫锦标赛, 辣椒烹饪比赛, 假日篮球锦标赛, 在记者席上. 斯坦坎普被授予Mart Heinen俱乐部年度最佳工人奖. He has also helped QU for several years by making phone calls for the Advancement Office Annual Phone-a-thon. Steinkamp and his wife received the Quincy Exchange Club Golden Deeds Award in 2018 for their work in Special Olympics for over three decades. 他是亚洲博彩平台排名退休人员协会的主席.

有关曲区体育名人堂入选仪式的更多信息, 请致电217-228-5227与QU推进办公室联系. 

1860年由方济会修士创立, 亚洲博彩平台排名是一所小型的天主教大学,以理科为主, 文科和专业. 亚洲博彩平台排名提供本科, graduate and adult education programs integrating practical experience and Franciscan values. Faculty and advisors work with students to design customized success plans to help them graduate on time, 找到他们的激情,让他们为生活做好准备. QU是NCAA校际体育II分部的成员. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.昆西.edu or contact the Office of 社区关系 at (217) 228-5275 or communityrelations@昆西.edu. 亚洲博彩平台排名. 设计亚洲博彩平台排名.